“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”
—Booker T. Washington
Since Russia invaded the Ukraine in February 2022, over 6 million people have fled the Ukraine, most of them women and children. Taking only what they could carry, they ended up in countries they didn’t know, whose language they didn’t speak. With sparse money and little means of support and survival, they were especially vulnerable to exploitation. Through church groups and social service agencies, some of these refugees have been resettled safely into welcoming communities in other countries, including in our area.
In the spirit of the quote, some of the women of All Hands In (AHI) have been working on a project to raise money for Ukrainian refugees. The AHI Sewing Studio women have crafted a quilt in the blue and gold of the Ukrainian flag, with the theme of sunflowers, the national flower, and wheat, a primary export.
We were greatly assisted in our quilt-making by the women of the Arts and Crafts Ministry of Messiah Baptist Church in Brockton. They welcomed us when our previous space closed, and we have learned a lot from them while enjoying creative sisterhood. This beautiful, hand-crafted quilt is traveling to churches and other organizations and events to help raise funds for war-displaced Ukrainian women and children.
All donors will be given the “opportunity” to enter their name into a future drawing to own the 94-by-68-inch quilt.
Get Involved!
We need to share this finished product in as many places as possible to raise the money for which it was intended. We need your help to do it!
For more information on the All Hands In Ukraine Project or the Sewing Studio,
please contact one of the following:
Vicki Bassett, Sewing Studio Leader at vabassett55@gmail.com
Judy Mackenzie at judeleven@gmail.com
Address the spectrum of needs for this population by including professional growth, community participation, financial literacy, work opportunities, and mentoring, as a part of their training.
Implement academic support for the improvement of personal skills for high school transitional youth by cultivating self-image, communication, project-based learning, and healthy relationships.
Build relationships and work learning opportunities with community-based organizations, government agencies, business owners, and faith-based and education institutions that are committed to revitalizing the lives of these individuals and the community.
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781-929-7226 | allhandsin3@gmail.com
Correspondence: 1337 Massachusetts Ave., PMB 121 Arlington, MA 02476
All Hands In (AHI) is a 501(C3)
non-profit committed to making a difference in our community by providing educational awareness and events on the issue of human trafficking in addition to seeking opportunities to assist survivors.
All donations are tax deductible.
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781-929-7226 | allhandsin3@gmail.com
Correspondence: 1337 Massachusetts Ave., PMB 121
Arlington, MA 02476
All Hands In (AHI) is a 501(C3) non-profit organization committed to making a difference in our community by providing educational awareness and events on the issue of human trafficking in addition to seeking opportunities to assist survivors.
All donations are tax deductible.
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