What We Do

We Do

about all hands in 

All Hands In has reached out to women through:

Sanctuary By the Sea Spiritual Retreat Program

-Over 100 women survivors have attended our retreats over the past 11 years

Offering Financial Assistance:

- Housing Assistance

- Car payments

- Health Insurance payment

- Food gift cards

- Gas gift cards

- Prescription and Medication Assistance

- Progress Loans

Arts/Craft/Skills Therapy:

- Sewing Studio (learn to sew for yourself, others and AHI)

- Take My Hand Rolling Store – soap, candle making, and other crafts; Learning retail and inventory management

All Hands In also has provided numerous awareness events to youth and college communities, churches, civic organizations and the community at large. We have also shared the issue of trafficking and the exploitation of women with newspapers and TV stations. We have also been part of advocacy work with State Legislatures on better laws to assist women in our state.

Give a hand, how you can help:

1. Donate gifts cards for food, gas, medicines, etc.

2. Invite us to your church/organization to share the story of women survivors

3. Invite our Take My Hand Rolling store  with products made by women survivors/volunteers to your event

4. Pray for our organization and for women survivor’s spiritual healing

5. Share your skills with us as a volunteer on a committee or our Board of Directors.

6. Host an event. Hold a bake sale, dinner or some other event to support All Hands In.

about all hands in 

All Hands In has reached out to women through:

Sanctuary By the Sea Spiritual Retreat Program

-Over 100 women survivors have attended our retreats over the past 11 years

Offering Financial Assistance:

- Housing Assistance

- Car payments

- Health Insurance payment

- Food gift cards

- Gas gift cards

- Prescription and Medication Assistance

- Progress Loans

Arts/Craft/Skills Therapy:

- Sewing Studio (learn to sew for yourself, others and AHI)

- Take My Hand Rolling Store – soap, candle making, and other crafts; Learning retail and inventory management

All Hands In also has provided numerous awareness events to youth and college communities, churches, civic organizations and the community at large. We have also shared the issue of trafficking and the exploitation of women with newspapers and TV stations. We have also been part of advocacy work with State Legislatures on better laws to assist women in our state.

Give a hand,
how you can help:

1. Donate gifts cards for food, gas, medicines, etc.

2. Invite us to your church/organization to share the story of women survivors

3. Invite our Take My Hand Rolling store  with products made by women survivors/volunteers to your event

4. Pray for our organization and for women survivor’s spiritual healing

5. Share your skills with us as a volunteer on a committee or our Board of Directors.

6. Host an event. Hold a bake sale, dinner or some other event to support All Hands In.

Kecia Lopes, MPA, MSW

Executive director
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Kecia Lopes has spent her life in service to both her community and faith. She has served in various leadership roles in community organizations and churches. After 13 years in the banking industry, she changed her career path in 2006 and has devoted herself to the helping profession ever since. As a part-time Human Resource Development (HRD) Instructor at Johnston Community College, Kecia understands the need for individuals to develop their abilities, skills, and knowledge in preparation for entering the workforce.

Kecia holds a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Simmons College, School of Social Work, and a 2nd Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. She is a Licensed Minister and Social Worker. She has provided leadership services in several community organizations and served in local community churches.

Kecia has worked in the Department of Youth Services, where she provided trained youth to prepare them to enter the workforce. She was also a committed volunteer in the Teen Challenge Prison Ministry for both men and women. She journeyed on a mission trip to Rwanda, where she was part of a team that coordinated the digging of water wells in areas previously without clean water sources.

Among colleagues and program participants, Kecia is known for having an excellent ability to teach and explain complex ideas and principles that are easy to understand. She displays a strength of character, dedication to her community, generosity in giving, loving guidance, patience in listening, and an exceptional depth of faith in God.

Kecia’s dynamic attraction is attributed to her abundant level of patience with those who are in need of tools to be successful in society. She offers what she has learned willingly, patiently, and most importantly, professionally. Whether working with high-level executives, government or public officials, residents in homeless shelters, incarcerated men and women, youth and teens, school systems, or places of ministry, her high regard for the “individual” is unwavering. Kecia’s desire for individuals to function well in the confines of society and challenging environments is exemplary. She exhibits great humility and is known to be a role model in the city in which she lives and a magnetic mentor regionally.

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